Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Elon using Hackers as his fraud finders?

The point of that meme in the header photo is 100% true. Musk using hackers to comb through Federal records looking for waste, fraud and abuse? The people who now see through this charade being pulled off by trump, Musk and his minions are from all points on the political spectrum.

The immediate goal is to permanently hobble the US Government and starve it of revenue through huge tax cuts that benefit the ultra rich and large corporations, many of which are already running record profits.
A huge part of the plan is to privatize everything that Government currently does so that Elon and others of his ilk can profit off every last facet of American life. Hundreds of his billionaire buddies are waiting in the wings, salivating.

The freedom and financial well being of millions of ordinary, working Americans are hanging in the balance. We must stop this gambit and obscene wealth grab at all cost. 

"Bulldog Ben" Basile 

© 2025 Benjamin Lawrence Basile

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Ben's Christmas Wish for Everyone

This has been a challenging year for me in a lot of ways, yet I find myself feeling even more than the usual holiday spirit right now as I sit at the keyboard, waiting for Santa to come down my chimney. Wait! I don’t have a chimney! Oh well, I still believe! Well, the part about Santa, who can say? The rest of it, I’m still pretty big on all the good stuff that we think about when the holidays roll around each year. No doubt a lot of you feel the same.

The Christmas story does hold a lot of meaning for me. I’m not quite sure if I still believe all of it, all the nuances and consequences and so on; not quite like one “believes it” when the assembled faithful say the Apostles Creed together at Midnight Mass. Some will be doing exactly that in just a few hours, perhaps some of you.

Yet it doesn’t seem at all “funny” to me that God comes to us whenever it suits his/her purpose. Not entirely sure if “he” did in that particular, historical way. Being raised in a Christian family and having gone part-way through seminary a few years ago, I do lean in that direction. But I’ve come to see some things in a different light now that I’ve spent a little better than a half-century on this planet. This planet where almost a billion people believe that God became incarnate, was born of a young woman who had never “known” her betrothed. And that his coming among us in that way was the beginning of a Divine plan to make it possible for all of his creatures to enjoy unending fellowship with him and with one another! In this life and in the next! Now that’s a story! One we humans have been telling one another for a very long time, and I’m quite sure we’ll be telling it for a long time to come.

I’ve been struggling for so many years now about exactly how much of the story still “works” for me and all of that. But what I’ve never doubted is that God, or the Divine, does come to us and among us all the time. And I’m finally in that phase of life where I’ve learned to look for it, to expect it and to embrace it. And I know that the other really big thing about Christmastime is to get a bit closer to my brothers and sisters who also bear the image of the Divine One in their souls and on their beaming faces. Some of them were raised on the same stories I was; this one about God being born of a virgin, and many others.

Some, of course, have heard and embraced and celebrated different stories. I’m not very inclined to quibble about the particulars at this point in my life. I’m quite sure that God would love to see us move a little closer together at this time of year, and to go on telling those stories; especially that one about God robed in human flesh, living and dying as one of us. And I’m quite sure that the heart of the Divine is pleased when we carry forward “his” mission to strip away that illusion that our sins, imperfections, and much less, our differences, should separate us from one another or from his Divine Heart.

Well, Christmas Eve has progressed, as it will, into Christmas morning as I’m wrapping up this little holiday message. And I’m sitting here, luminous and expectant, like a six year old waiting for Santa to appear. Like Simeon in the temple, waiting to bless the infant Jesus, knowing then that he has seen and embraced, quite literally, the Divine plan to end our sinful and deadly illusions of separateness. I’m expectant, waiting in earnest to see and to embrace the next manifestation of the Divine. In you, in her, in us. Perhaps–and wouldn’t this be a great story–perhaps in and across many countries and cultures, in four billion human hearts at once!

A wish, a dream, a fervent hope… Perhaps that’s all it is. But a hope to hold close to one’s heart on Christmas morning. God bless each of you today and throughout the year to come. May you be blessed to see the image of the Divine, of the Christ-child in yourself–and in one another.

Ben Lawrence Basile
Christmas morning, 2007

© 2007 Benjamin Lawrence Basile

Ben is not the owner of this photo and believes it to be covered under Fair Use

Sunday, November 24, 2024

The outlook after Nov 5th

For a lot of trump supporters and people who just hate the Democratic Party and anyone associated with it, the results of the November 5th elections were terrific. They're excited about trump's second swearing in on January 20th and are expecting plenty of rainbows and unicorns following on. 

But to the millions of  Americans who won't quaff the Kool Aid, we know the kinds of shock, chaos and stunning dysfunction that we'll soon be seeing from one end of the US to the other.

The proverbial shit is, in fact, about to hit the fan. And the horrific results will be felt in every corner of our Nation and, in fact, all over the Planet.

It’s incredible that it’s come to this. And, to be frank, I think our chances of ever undoing the damage to our Country that trump has done and is about to do are very slim.

If we can, it will take at least a generation. Not an election or two—and those may be about to go away—but a generation or two. And God only know what kind of shape our Country—and our PLANET—may be in by then.

Have you been wondering why those post-Apocalyptic movies and shows—the Mad Max kind—have become so popular? I think a lot of us know, deep down, that we’re heading into that kind of a hellscape but we’re not ready to admit that our situation is that grave. But we’ll buy the movie ticket and but then avoid ever having a serious discussion about all of that. 

For my part, I’m sure that’s where we’re heading. The Nov 5th Election and trump gaining power again has made it an absolute certainty.

I certainly hope I’m proven wrong.

"Bulldog Ben" Basile 

© 2024 Ben Lawrence Basile 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Aaron Judge Fastest to 300

All rise! 

Aaron Judge smacked his 300th career dinger tonight while the Yankees made short work of the White Sox. The final score was 10-2 and it was Aaron's 3 run shot that put the game on ice for the Bronx Bombers. 

The Yankee Captain became the fastest MLB player to reach no. 300, doing it in only 954 games. Pirates' slugger Ralph Kiner had been the fastest, reaching that milestone in 1087 games. So Aaron got there in 133 fewer games, a very remarkable achievement for a very remarkable ball player. 

There's not a doubt in my mind that Mr. Judge will garner his 2nd MVP this year. Providing there are no serious injuries waiting in the wings to spoil the party. And he'll go on gathering one award after another and MLB Records galore until he decides to hang up his cleats.

And then--precisely five years after retirement--one of the greatest sluggers in the history of America's Pastime will be welcomed into Cooperstown. 

"Bulldog Ben” Basile

© 2024 Ben Lawrence Basile 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Parallels, Hitler and Trump?

A participant in an on-line forum that I follow closely threw out a question today that I had to respond to. The gist of the question was about whether trump could become America's Hitler if he should get reelected in November. 

I think it's clear that he certainly could. There’s not even a shred of doubt that the sequel to that really shitty movie—trump’s first go-around as president—would be much, much worse.

There are many things that make that abundantly clear. The greatest tell is that he’s still saying the quiet part out loud and letting the whole world know that he will never accept the results of any election—this one, especially—unless he and his party win.

And if he does get back in, his first priority will be to fuck with everyone he hates. And he hates many, many people. Hair Hitler is obsessed with revenge. And his supporters and underlings who will be helping him carry out his campaign(s) of revenge understand that perfectly well and are on-board 100%. He’ll have plenty of help carrying his hateful plans.

He hates anyone who’s ever opposed him or spoken ill of him. And even people who simply haven’t kissed his stinking ass with sufficient enthusiasm.

His plans mirror almost perfectly everything Hitler and the Nazi Party did throughout the 1930’s while they were consolidating their grip on power. The QOP is praising him and enabling him all the way.

It’s not an accident that he enthusiastically, repeatedly and publicly praises every dictator in the recent history of the World and used to keep a copy of Mein Kampf on his nightstand. Yeah, his first wife ratted him out on that.

There is nothing in the life of our Nation more important right now than keeping this hateful, traitorous, putin-humping con man from getting into the Oval Office again.

"Bulldog Ben” Basile

© 2024 Ben Lawrence Basile 

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Biden drops out, endorses VP Harris

Huge news for those who follow politics. And all of you, should, in my opinion, but I'm not going to go there right now.
But this is a very BIG story; It only broke about half an hour ago. Joe Biden has decided to drop out of the Presidential race. He is endorsing his VP, Kamala Harris.
My take: it was a wise move on his part. His odds of defeating trump a second time seemed lately to be poor indeed, and the problem was not likely to improve as we got closer to Election Day.

And although I'm a long-time supporter of Kamala Harris, I doubt whether her chances to win are much better. How many conservatives who are open to going for a Democrat--and there are precious few of those--would pull the lever for Kamala? Few-to-none, I'm thinking.
How many Independents would jump on board? I doubt the number would be robust enough to swing the election. And we're at the point where independents and undecideds determine the outcome of every Presidental race. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I'm just pointing out that it's a fact.

So, it's a big deal. I think it was the way to go. But I'm skeptical that the change will help much in our effort to keep a petty, revenge-obsessed and incompetent insurrectionist from getting his hands on the power stick again.

Here's a link to this breaking story from the NY Times.

"Bulldog Ben” Basile

© 2024 Ben Lawrence Basile

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Violence will not fix the trump problem

 As you've no doubt heard, there was an attempt on Donald Trump's life last night in Pennsylvania. Trump's right ear was bloodied but he's otherwise alright. At least two people in the crowd behind trump were also hit. It appears that at least one of them has died.

Assassinations or targeted violence because of political issues will do absolutely nothing to address the problems our Country is facing. Absolutely nothing. In fact, if last night's attempt would have been successful, the damage to our Nation would have been immediate and devastating.

This must stop. We must strengthen our resolve to pursue our political ends through the effective and time-honored method of voting for candidates and issues we support when elections are held and then move forward.

That's the only way. If we can't see that and govern--literally, govern ourselves accordingly--then democracy's light will be going out and going out fast. 

"Bulldog Ben" Basile 

© 2024 Ben Lawrence Basile